Identifying Potential Safeguarding Concerns with Learners. 7
Designated Staff with Responsibility for Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection. 9
Dealing with Suspicions or Allegations of Child Abuse or Abuse of Vulnerable Adults. 9
What to do if a young person tells you about abuse or radicalisation. 9
Reporting Allegations or Suspicions of Abuse or Radicalisation. 10
Reporting Allegations or Suspicions of Abuse or Radicalisation against RM Training Staff. 11
Recruitment and Selection Procedures. 12
Suggestions for Improvement. 14
Child Protection Expression of Concern Form.. 16
Policy Statement
This policy is issued to all members of staff and learners and is available on the RM Training website ( The policy can be found displayed on the noticeboard withing RM Training head office as well as being distributed to all learner locations.
Throughout these policies and procedures, reference is made to ‘children and young people’. This term is used in reference ‘those under 18 years of age ‘(The Children Act 2004).
RM Training recognise that some adults can also be vulnerable to abuse; as such the procedures may be applied (with appropriate adaptations) to allegations of abuse and the protection of vulnerable adults. The term ‘vulnerable’ adult refers to any person aged 18 years and over who is or may be in need of support and community care services by reason of mental impairment, disability or illness and who is or may be unable to fully take care of him/herself or unable to protect him/herself against significant harm or exploitation.
RM Training fully recognises and is committed to ensuring that:
- all staff and employers abide by Safeguarding rules;
- it provides a safe environment for all learners;
- it identifies children, young people and vulnerable adults who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm from the initial interview stage;
- it takes appropriate action to see that such children, young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe, at home, at RM Training, and at all other activities relating to apprenticeship or educational placement;
- confidentiality is applied to any information of a personal and/or sensitive nature and that staff will receive guidance on the management and disclosure of confidential information where appropriate.
RM Training is committed to safeguarding the welfare of its learners and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
- We believe every learner should be valued, safe and happy. We want to make sure that learners we have contact with know this and are empowered to tell us if they are suffering harm.
- We want learners who use or have contact with this organisation to enjoy what we have to offer in safety.
- We will achieve this by having an effective safeguarding procedure following National and Local guidance.
- If we discover or suspect a learner is suffering harm, we will notify social services or the police in order that they can be protected if necessary.
- The safeguarding policy and procedures apply to all staff, volunteers and users of RM Training and anyone carrying out any work for us or using our premises.
- We will review our safeguarding policy and procedures yearly to make sure they are still relevant and effective.
Code of Conduct
- Always remember that while you are at work, you are in a position of trust and your responsibilities to the learners and the organisation must always be uppermost in your mind.
- Never use any kind of physical punishment or chastisement such as smacking or hitting.
- Do not smoke in front of any child or young person.
- Do not use prescribed drugs or be under the influence of alcohol.
- Never behave in a way that frightens or demeans anyone.
- Do not use any racist, sexist, discriminatory or offensive language.
- Generally, you should not give learners presents or personal items. If a gift were to be given, it should come from the organisation and be agreed with the named person for safeguarding and if appropriate, the learner’s parent/guardian. Similarly, do not accept gifts yourself other than small tokens for appropriate celebrations, which you should mention to the Safeguarding Officer.
- You should not invite a learner to your home or arrange to see them outside the set activity times.
- You should not engage in any sexual activity (this would include using sexualised language) with a learner you meet through your duties or start a personal relationship with them, this would be an abuse of trust.
- Exercise caution about being alone with a learner. In situations where this may be needed (for example where a learner wants to speak in private) think about ways of making this seem less secret for example by telling another worker or volunteer what you are doing and where you are, leaving a door ajar, being in earshot of others and lastly note the conversation in the log.
- Physical contact should be discouraged.
- Do talk explicitly to learners about their right to be kept safe from harm.
- Do listen to learners and take every opportunity to raise their self-esteem.
- Do work as a team with your co-workers/volunteers. Agree with them what behaviour you expect from learners and be consistent in enforcing it.
- If you must speak to a learner about their behaviour remember you are challenging ‘what they did’ not ‘who they are’.
- Do make sure you have read and understand the safeguarding procedure and that you feel confident that you know how to recognise when a learner may be suffering harm, how to handle any disclosure and how to report any concerns.
- Do seek advice and support from your colleagues or supervisors and your designated person for safeguarding.
- Do be clear with anyone disclosing any matter that could concern the safety and wellbeing of a learner that you cannot guarantee to keep this information to yourself.
- Do seek opportunities for training such as that available through the Local Safeguarding Children Board
In developing the policies and procedures RM Training consulted with, and have taken account of, guidance issued by the Department of Education and Skills and other relevant bodies and groups. The procedures have been developed in co-operation with the Local Safeguarding Children Boards in the areas around the Essex, Kent and London. The policy and procedures comply with the guidance entitled Keeping Children Safe in Education (2016). In relation to vulnerable adults: Safer Practice, Safer Learning 2007, Southend on Sea Adult Protection Procedures (2015).
Safeguarding within an educational setting can raise difficulty issues of confidentiality. Staff have a professional responsibility to share information regarding abuse with one of the Dedicated Child Protection and Safeguarding Officers (David MacGregor or James MacGregor)
Promises of confidentiality cannot be given as situations of child prosecution will need to be shared. The matter may develop in such a way that these cannot be honoured. If you suspect that a learner is going to discuss abuse or radicalisation, either towards themselves or another young person, establish ground rules concerning confidentiality. This information may have to be shared with a team leader or nominated person for child protection or the police or in cases of radicalisation to the Channel Scheme as appropriate. The Children and Young Persons Directorate, the police or in cases of radicalisation to the Channel Scheme as appropriate. will have to be contacted to discuss appropriate action.
RM Training staff must contact the DCPO if:
- There is any information or evidence that a learner under the age of 18 is being abused or radicalised.
- They are unsure if abuse or radicalisation has taken place
- If there is any suspicion that abuse, or radicalisation has taken place
- If there is, or could be, a risk of harm or radicalisation.
- If there is a suspected crime that has or is likely to take place.
- If there is a clear breach of the rules set out
- If it is outside of your experience to deal with the issue at hand.
It is good practice to be as open and honest with parents or carers about any concerns you might have. However, you must not discuss concerns with parents or carers in the following circumstances:
- Where sexual abuse or sexual exploitation has occurred or is suspected
- Where organised abuse is suspected
- Where Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is suspected.
- If the concern includes female genital mutilation (FGM)
- Any concerns about forced or arranged marriage
- Any other situations that would put the young person at risk.
Definitions of Abuse
The Children Act defines a child as a person under the age of 18 years. Safeguarding responsibilities also extend beyond the age of 18 to a group of vulnerable adults. A vulnerable adult is defined as a person aged eighteen or over, who has either a dependency upon others or a requirement for assistance in the performance of basic functions. This can be as a result of a learning or physical disability, a physical or mental illness or an addiction to alcohol.
Abuse is when a child or young person is hurt or harmed in a way that causes significant harm to that child and which may have an effect upon the young person’s health, development or wellbeing
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, or scalding, drowning, suffocation, or otherwise causing physical harm.
Bullying, Cyber-bullying and Emotional Abuse
Categories of emotional abuse also include abuse through cyber-bullying, which can occur via the Internet, chat rooms, social media and on both computers and smart phones. Emotional abuse is persistent emotional ill treatment such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on a person’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to people that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on people. It may involve causing people frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of learners.
Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill treatment of people, though it may occur alone.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse involved forcing or enticing someone to take part in sexual activities, whether or not they are aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative (E.g. rape or buggery) or non-penetrative acts. They may include noncontact activities such as involving people in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging learners to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.
Online Sexual Abuse
Online sexual abuse includes:
- persuading or forcing a child to send or post sexually explicit images of themselves, this is sometimes referred to as sexting
- persuading or forcing a child to take part in sexual activities via a webcam or smartphone
- having sexual conversations with a child by text or online.
Abusers may threaten to send sexually explicit images, video or copies of sexual conversations to the young person’s friends and family unless they take part in other sexual activity. Images or videos may continue to be shared long after the abuse has stopped.
Abusers will often try to build an emotional connection with a child in order to gain their trust for the purposes of sexual abuse. This is known as grooming.
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet someone’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in serious impairment of a person’s health or development. It may involve a parent failing to provide adequate food, shelter, and clothing, failing to protect someone from physical harm or danger, or the failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a person’s basic emotional needs.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is any type of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between people who are, or who have been in a relationship, regardless of gender or sexuality. It can include physical, sexual, psychological, emotional or financial abuse.
Exposure to domestic abuse is child abuse. Children can be directly involved in incidents of domestic abuse or they may be harmed by seeing or hearing abuse happening. Children in homes where there is domestic abuse are also at risk of other types of abuse or neglect.
Significant Harm
Sometimes, a single traumatic event may constitute significant harm, e.g. violent assault, suffocation, or poisoning. More often, significant harm is a compilation of significant events, both acute and longstanding, which interrupt, change or damage a person’s physical and psychological development.
Psychological Abuse
Psychological abuse occurs where there is persistent emotional ill treatment or rejection. It causes severe and adverse effects on the child’s, young person’s or vulnerable adult’s behaviour and emotional development/health, which may result in low self-worth. Some level of emotional abuse is present in all forms of abuse. Psychological abuse may also include threats of harm or abandonment, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or support networks.
Financial or Material Abuse
This may include theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance, or the misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.
Discriminatory Abuse
This may include abuse, bullying and harassment based on individuals’ Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex or Sexual Orientation (DOH 2000/2009).
Loss of Rights as a Citizen
This happens when a person’s individual rights as a citizen are refused or prevented (for example, not being able to vote at elections).
Forced Marriage
A forced marriage is where one or both people do not (or in cases of people with learning disabilities, cannot) consent to the marriage and pressure or abuse is used. It is an appalling and indefensible practice and is recognised in the UK as a form of violence against women and men, domestic/child abuse and a serious abuse of human rights. The pressure put on people to marry against their will can be physical (including threats, actual physical violence and sexual violence) or emotional and psychological (for example, when someone is made to feel like they are bringing shame on their family). Financial abuse (taking your wages or not giving you any money) can also be a factor.
Female Genital Mutilation
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures involving the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or any other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. FGM has been categorised into four types, ranging from a symbolic prick to the clitoris or prepuce, to the fairly extensive removal and narrowing of the vaginal opening. All these forms of FGM have been found in the UK. FGM is sometimes known as ‘female genital cutting’ or female circumcision. FGM is considered a grave violation of the rights of girls and women.
Prevent (under the Counter Terrorism and Security Act)
Under Prevent, the following apply but are not limited to:
- Gun and Knife Crime
- Radicalisation
- Violent Extremism
- Discriminatory Abuse
In respect of safeguarding individuals from radicalisation, RM Training work to the Prevent element of the Government’s Counter Terrorism Strategy, and if deemed appropriate seeks external support for learners through referrals to the Channel Programme. It is recognised that radicalisation can occur to an individual from any section of society and is not particular to any racial, ethnic or social group. It is further recognised that in many instances the process of radicalisation is essentially grooming by others.
Identifying Potential Safeguarding Concerns with Learners
It is the responsibility of every RM Training staff member to be aware of the signs and symptoms of harm and abuse. Signs and symptoms are not always obvious or clear however knowing the warning signs can help to identify and recognise abuse that has taken place and take action.
Children experiencing abuse often experience more than one type of abuse over a period of time. Children who experience abuse may be afraid to tell anybody about the abuse. They may struggle with feelings of guilt, shame or confusion – particularly if the abuser is a parent, caregiver or works at their place of work
Identifying Physical Abuse
All children have trips, falls and accidents which may cause cuts, bumps and bruises. These injuries tend to affect bony areas of their body such as elbows, knees and shins and are not usually a cause for concern.
Injuries that are more likely to indicate physical abuse include:
- bruises on the cheeks, ears, palms, arms and feet
- bruises on the back and backs of legs
- multiple bruises in clusters, usually on the upper arms or outer thighs
- bruising which looks like it has been caused by fingers, a hand or an object, like a belt or shoe
- large oval-shaped bite marks
- any burns which have a clear shape of an object, for example cigarette burns
- burns to the backs of hands, feet, legs
If a learner is frequently injured, and if the bruises or injuries are unexplained or the explanation doesn’t match the injury, this should be investigated.
Identifying Neglect
Neglect can be difficult to identify. Isolated signs may not mean that a child is suffering neglect, but multiple and persistent signs over time could indicate a serious problem.
- children who appear hungry – they may not have lunch money or even try to steal food
- children who appear dirty or smelly
- children whose clothes are inadequate for the weather conditions
- children who have untreated injuries, health or dental problems
- children with poor language, communication or social skills
Identifying Sexual Abuse and Online sexual abuse
- The learner disclosing sexually transmitted infections (STI)
- pregnancy
- Changes in the child’s mood or behaviour may also cause concern. They may want to avoid spending time with specific people.
- The child may show sexual behaviour that is inappropriate. Or use sexually inappropriate language during sessions.
Identifying Harmful Sexual Abuse
HSB can include:
- using sexually explicit words and phrases
- inappropriate touching
- using sexual violence or threats
- sexual activity with other children or adults.
Identifying Emotional Abuse
The child or learner who may be being emotionally abused, might show the following signs
- use language, act in a way or know about things that you wouldn’t expect for their age
- struggle to control strong emotions or have extreme outbursts
- seem isolated from their parents
- lack social skills or have few, if any, friends
- fear making mistakes
- fear their parent being approached regarding their behaviour
- self-harm.
Identifying Domestic Abuse
It can be difficult to tell if domestic abuse is happening, because abusers can act very differently when other people are around.
Children who witness domestic abuse may:
- become aggressive
- display anti-social behaviour
- suffer from depression or anxiety
- not do as well in their studies – due to difficulties at home or disruption of moving to and from refuges.
Spotting the signs of bullying and cyberbullying
No one sign indicates for certain that a person’s being bullied, but you should look out for:
- belongings getting ‘lost’ or damaged
- physical injuries such as unexplained bruises
- being afraid to go to work, being mysteriously ‘ill’ each morning, or skipping sessions with their tutor
- not doing as well in their apprenticeship as they once were
- asking for, or stealing, money (to give to a bully)
- being nervous, losing confidence or becoming distressed and withdrawn
- problems with eating or sleeping
- bullying others
Spotting the signs of female genital mutilation
A child at risk of FGM may not know what’s going to happen. But they might talk about or you may become aware of:
- a long holiday abroad or going ‘home’ to visit family
- relative or cutter visiting from abroad
- a special occasion or ceremony to ‘become a woman’ or get ready for marriage
- a female relative being cut – a sister, cousin or an older female relative such as a mother or aunt
A child who has had FGM may:
- have difficulty walking, standing or sitting
- spend longer in the bathroom or toilet
- appear withdrawn, anxious or depressed
- have unusual behaviour after an absence from their apprenticeship
- ask for help, but may not be explicit about the problem due to embarrassment or fear.
Designated Staff with Responsibility for Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection
The designated persons with lead responsibility for Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection are as follows:
James MacGregor, Managing Director
Mobile: 07427 652698
Office: 01322 217072
David MacGregor
Mobile: 07593 067883
Office: 01322 217072
These people are key senior members of the RM Training management Team. They have a duty to take lead responsibility for raising awareness to the staff of issues relating to the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults. They have received training in child protection issues and inter-agency working as required by the Local Safeguarding Children Board and will receive refresher training at least every two years.
Dealing with Suspicions or Allegations of Child Abuse or Abuse of Vulnerable Adults
What to do if a young person tells you about abuse or radicalisation
It is important that children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected from abuse. Learners need to know that they will be listened to and their concerns will be taken seriously. Young people will talk about their concerns and problems to people they feel they can trust. The person a child talks to will not necessarily be a senior member of staff. When a member of staff becomes aware of an allegation or alleged incident, they should immediately go to the appropriate designated staff member (refer to Designated Staff with Responsibility for Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection). This should take priority over your usual duties and notifying your Manager in the first instance.
Where complaints, allegations or suspicions are against the nominated members of staff these should be referred to another member of the Senior Management Team. RM Training aims to ensure the learning environments are supportive and safe, where individuals are treated with courtesy and respect and their contribution to learning is valued. RM Training will not tolerate harassment or bullying in any form and will take firm action to protect its learners whenever incidents are identified. In rare incidences staff may be made aware of abuse of learners by other learners. Staff should make themselves familiar with the Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedure. In such circumstances, it may also be necessary to instigate Vulnerable Adult/Child Protection procedures. and the procedure for dealing with such incidents is outlined below. Designated staff will consider whether the incident requires a referral to the Police or Department of Social Care. The Mentoring Team are able to provide a confidential ‘listening ear’ to victims of abuse/assault and any Learner involved will be offered access to the facility. If the victims of abuse/assault or any Learner involved need more in-depth specialist help they will be referred to the appropriate support agency.
Reporting Allegations or Suspicions of Abuse or Radicalisation
Staff should not investigate concerns or allegations themselves but should report immediately to the Safeguarding Officer (SO). Referrals to Department of Social Care or Channel should only be made by the SO or the named nominees.
If a child, young person, or vulnerable adult tells a member of staff about possible abuse or radicalisation the member of staff should:
- Listen carefully to the young person giving them time and your full attention. Allow the young person to give a spontaneous account. Do not stop a young person who is freely recalling significant events. Rather than directly questioning the Learner, just listen and be supportive, and stay calm.
- Explain that you cannot promise not to speak to others about the information they have shared – do not offer false confidentiality. Inform them that you will have to pass this on to a member of staff responsible for safeguarding.
- Arrange for the person making allegation and person accused of allegation to remain onsite.
- Reassure the young person or vulnerable adult that by telling you they have done the right thing.
- Avoid interviewing the young person or vulnerable adult but should clarify without resorting to leading questions and without exerting pressure, what the child, young person or vulnerable adult is saying.
- Not put words into the young person’s or vulnerable adult’s mouth.
- Inform the young person or vulnerable adult that you must pass information on, but only
- those who need to know about it will be told. Inform them of to whom you will be reporting
- the matter.
- Note the points carefully using the young person or vulnerable adult’s own words
- Make a detailed note of the date, time, place, what the young person said, did, questions asked and their body language.
- Report the concerns immediately to the SO and then complete a referral form, attaching a copy of any other notes taken.
Once details of a concern have been received by the appropriate Safeguarding Officer (SO), the following procedures/working practices will be undertaken:
- SO will request the fully completed Cause for Concern form and that the young person for whom concerns exist be requested to remain in RM Training until notified by SO.
- Case accepted by SO.
- SO meets with staff/child/vulnerable adult as applicable – record of meetings taken using record sheets as applicable.
- In the event of an emergency SO may contact Police, and inform the Directors that this has taken place, other less immediate referrals to the Police should be discussed with a Director prior to any action
- A range of additional interventions are considered by the appropriate SO.
- Primary carer informed of concerns/ action being taken (where appropriate as determined by the appropriate SO).
- Contact made with relevant First Contact Team or appropriate team for Vulnerable Adults.
- Follow up referral made to relevant First Contact Team/appropriate team where deemed appropriate and where agreed with Social Care Team.
- Other referrals to be made and advice provided to young person (logged).
- File to be made up and stored securely with the appropriate SO until such times that all required actions are completed.
- File to be transferred to permanent and secure storage area at the Head office in Southend.
- Where no Child Protection/Prevent issues are present but additional needs are identified and, according to the judgement of practitioners the young person requires extra support to ensure they meet the 5 Every Child matter outcomes.
- Where the appropriate SO considers additional complexities apply, they may request attendance by a second SO whose primary role will be to share in decision making, record the incident, and clarify understanding of all involved.
It is important to remember that adult protection guidelines are very different to those applying to children. Adults have the right to make their own decisions unless there are clear grounds to override this because of their lack of capacity or if a wider public interest is involved.
Reporting Allegations or Suspicions of Abuse or Radicalisation against RM Training Staff
RM Training recognise that an allegation of abuse made against a member of staff may be made for a variety of reasons and the facts of the allegation may or may not be true. It is imperative that those dealing with an allegation maintain an open mind and that the investigation is thorough and not subject to any delays.
Safe Practices
There are times when learners will be seen individually by staff, the following safe practices should be abided by.
- To minimise the risk of staff receiving false allegations of abuse all RM training staff members must ensure that learners are kept safe from abuse and RM Training is a safe environment in which to study and work.
- Maintain good communication with other staff
- Whilst it may sometimes be appropriate to verbally reassure a learner, physical affection should always be avoided.
- Staff should communicate to their line manager if they feel uncomfortable in the presence of a learner. For example, a learner who makes sexualised remarks to a member of staff.
- Staff should avoid any intimate care e.g. Helping learners go to the toilet.
- Staff must be familiar with the learner code of conduct and reiterate this to learners.
It is an offence for a person over the age of 18 to have a sexual relationship with a child or young person under 18 where the person is in a position of trust, even if the relationship is consensual.
Recruitment and Selection Procedures
RM Training has a range of checking procedures in place as part of its recruitment and selection process of staff who will be working with young people such as:
- The post or role is clearly defined.
- The key selection criteria for the post or role is identified.
- Vacancies are advertised widely in order to ensure a diversity of applicants.
- Documentary evidence of academic/vocational qualifications is required.
- Professional references are required.
- Previous employment history is verified
Staying Safe Online
The increasing use of the internet and digital technology has presented huge opportunities, both to enrich the learning environment for apprentices and also allowing them to expand their personal horizons. However, people are able to access and engage with online content in many ways, so they need to have the skills to be able to use the internet safely and develop appropriate online behaviours. It is paramount that people are aware of ways in which they can protect themselves online and ensure the security of their personal data. Dangers can include bullying and abuse, revenge porn, grooming, identity theft, and viruses. An important part of an apprentice’s development at RM Training is becoming a critical thinker. Developing this critical mind set will also help apprentices to examine and and look at the authenticity of information online
Our Role
- Assess how apprentices may be at risk of harm using the internet or technology.
- Provide relevant training for apprentices so that they are able to work safely and effectively online.
- Help apprentices to develop an objective attitude to online information and evaluate its authenticity.
- Make sure RM Training staff are trained to identify and deal with concerns about online safety.
- Provide clear guidance on what is and is not an acceptable use of the internet at RM Training.
Employers Role
- Ensure apprentices are made aware of your organisations policies on using the internet and technology in the workplace and whilst using the internet on a company device whilst at home.
- Understand the dangers apprentices may face using technology in the workplace and act to minimise risks.
- Communicate any concerns about safety online to RM Training.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is any unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour of a sexual nature which makes a person feel humiliated or offended. Sexual harassment can take many forms and may include physical contact, verbal comments, jokes, propositions, and the display of offensive material or other behaviour which creates a sexually hostile working environment. Some examples of sexual harassment include:
- uninvited touching;
- uninvited kisses or embraces;
- smutty jokes or comments;
- making promises or threats in return for sexual favours;
- the display of sexually graphic material including posters, pin-ups, cartoons, graffiti or messages left on notice boards, desks or common areas;
- repeated invitations to go out after prior refusal;
- flashing or sexual gestures;
- sex based insults, taunts, teasing or name calling;
- touching or playing with a persons clothing;
- request for sex;
- sexually explicit conversation; and/or persistent questions or insinuations about a persons private life.
Supervisors and managers are responsible for maintaining a workplace that is free of harassment, but all employees, employers and apprentices are responsible for helping to assure that sexual harassment does not occur by conducting themselves in an appropriate manner and by reporting harassment they observe. If an individual has a complaint or allegation of harassment, they must immediately report the incident to the Safeguarding Officer.
Monitoring of IT Usage
Students should be taught about online safeguarding issues, such as the risks attached to the sharing of personal details. They should also be taught strategies to deal with inappropriate communications and be reminded of the need to communicate appropriately when using digital technologies.
Any digital communication between staff and students or parents / carers (email, chat, VLE etc.) must be professional in tone and content. These communications may only take place on official (monitored) systems. Personal email addresses, text messaging or social media must not be used for these communications.
Users must immediately report, to the SO – in accordance with the policy, the receipt of any communication that makes them feel uncomfortable, is offensive, discriminatory, threatening or bullying in nature and must not respond to any such communication
Users shall not visit Internet sites, make, post, download, upload, data transfer, communicate or pass on, material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:
- Child sexual abuse images –The making, production or distribution of indecent images of children. Contrary to The Protection of Children Act 1978
- Grooming, incitement, arrangement or facilitation of sexual acts against children Contrary to the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
- Possession of an extreme pornographic image (grossly offensive, disgusting or otherwise of an obscene character) Contrary to the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008
- criminally racist material in UK – to stir up religious hatred (or hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation) – contrary to the Public Order Act 1986
- pornography
- threatening behaviour, including promotion of physical violence or mental harm
- any other information which may be offensive
- Using systems, applications, websites or other mechanisms that bypass the filtering or other safeguards employed by RM Training
- Creating or propagating computer viruses or other harmful files
Policy Review Frequency
RMT review and amend this statement regularly to ensure that it meets legislation and remains effective. The updates to this policy are published to our learners, employees, and workplace providers by the regular distribution of electronic newsletter via email as well as appearing on our company website.
Suggestions for Improvement
If you have any suggestions for improvement within this policy then please feel free to offer these suggestions to the Office Administrator (
Monitoring and Evaluation
The RM Training Management Team will monitor and evaluate achievement in respect of equality by taking the following actions:
- Ensure that all employees who deliver training services receive training to ensure that they do not discriminate unlawfully
- Review and monitor our services to ensure that they do not discriminate against anyone, identify barriers to access and assess where improvements can be made
- Ensure that organisations or individuals providing services on behalf of RM Training UK Ltd comply with equal opportunities legislation and promote equality of opportunity
Reporting and Concerns
All queries and concerns about Equality and Diversity issues should be referred to the RM Training Managing Director James MacGregor (
Tel: 020 7928 1211 (Mon-Fri 9am5.30pm) E-mail: Website: |
Frank (Drug Support)
Helpline: 0800 77 66 00 (24hours) E-mail: Website: |
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel: 202 7730 0009 or 08537 33366 Website: |
Drugs & Alcohol Awareness Team – Southend
Tel: 01702 534786 Queens Way House Essex Street Southend |
Alcoholics Anonymous Tel: 0845 769 755 Website: National alcohol addiction information agency | Alcohol Concern Website: National agency on misuse |
Tel: 0800 917 8282 Drinkline is a national alcohol helpline providing counceling, support, advice and information |
Quitting Smoking Tel: 0800 169 0 169 (9am – 11pm daily) Tel: 0800 169 9 169 (noon – 9pm daily) Text Phone: 0800 169 0 171 Website: or | NHS Direct
Tel: 0845 4647 website: |
Sexual Health Helpline Tel: 0800 567 123 Text Phone: 0800 521 361 Website: | Care Confidential – For pregnancy and post-abortion support
Tel: 0800 028 2228 or 0845 330 8466 ( 7 days a week from 7pm – 10pm) and (10am – 2pm Mon – Fri) |
Colchester Rape Crisis Line
P.O. Box 548, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3JX Helpline: 01206 769795 website: |
Self Harm Support Website: | Childline
Tel: 0800 1111 website: |
Tel: 0207 336 8445 Parents Information Service: 0800 0 8 2 38 website: |
Tel: 08457 90 90 90 Email: website: |
National Children’s Bureau
8 Wakley Street, London, EC1V 7QE Tel: 020 7843 6000 Email: website: |
tel: 08457 660 163 website: |
For urgent advice please call: 0808 800 4444 (8am-8pm, seven days a week) Website: |
Southend Women’s aid – The Dove Project
Tel: 01702 302333 4 West Road, Westcliff on Sea, Essex, SS0 9DA |
Southend: 01702 301301 or 01702 335711 Romford: 01708 766211 Chelmsford: 01245 354873 |
Children and Families Dept Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Civic Centre Victoria Avenue Southend-on-Sea Essex SS2 6ER Tel: 01702 215007 | Mental Health Support ‘See Me’ Campaign website: | Integrated Youth Support Service incorporating: Youth Offending Connexions Youth Support Young Person Drug/Alcohol team Teenage Pregnancy Community Engagement Streets Ahead 01702 534300 |
Child Protection Expression of Concern Form
This form should be completed when there is cause for concern and given to your Designated Safeguarding Lead as soon as possible.
Details of Apprentice | |
First Name | |
Date of Birth |
Details of the person reporting concerns: | |
Full name | |
Position |
Do these concerns relate to a specific incident/disclosure? If YES complete Section A; If NO, omit section A and move straight to Section B
Section A | |
Date and time of incident/disclosure: | |
Location of incident/disclosure: | |
Date this form was completed: | |
Other persons present: |
Section B | |
Details of concern/disclosure/incident:
(What was said, observed, reported) |
Action taken:
(What did you do following the incident/disclosure/concern?) |
Any other relevant information: | |
Signed: | |
Date: |