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Apprenticeship Agreement – Notes + Glossary

Apprenticeship Agreement 

Notes and references 

Full details including relevant addendums to the agreement signed as part of this application can be found here  

Note 3. When the apprenticeship agreement must be in place 

An apprenticeship agreement must be in place when an individual starts a statutory apprenticeship programme and should remain in place throughout the apprenticeship. The end date, for standards, is when the end-point assessment has been completed. The end date, for frameworks, is when the final relevant qualification has been completed. 

Note 4. The ‘practical period’

The practical period if the period for which an apprentice is expected to work and receive training under an approved English apprenticeship agreement. The practical period does not include the end-point assessment. For the purpose of meeting the Education and Skills Funding Agency funding requirements, the start date of the practical period must be the same as the start date on the commitment statement, the Individual Learner record and the Apprenticeship Service account, if applicable. 

Note 9. Specifying the amount of off-the-job training

This is a requirement of the Apprenticeships Regulations 2017. Off-the-job training is a critical requirement of apprenticeships and, in order to meet the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s funding rules, this must be at least 20% of the apprentices paid hours over the total duration of the apprenticeship (until gateway for standards). Off-the-job training can only be received by an apprentice during their normal working hours. Maths and English, up to and including level 2, does not count toward the minimum 20% off-the-job training requirement. The amount of off-the-job training should be agreed with the main provider. The provider must account for relevant prior learning the apprentice has received, and reduce the content and duration of off-the job training as necessary to achieve occupational competence. All apprenticeships must be of minimum duration of 12 months and include at least 20% off-the-job training.

Note 10. Off-the-job training definition 

Off-the-job training is defined as training which is received by the apprentice, during the apprentice’s normal working hours, for the purpose of achieving the standard or framework connected to the apprenticeship. It is not training received by the apprentice for the sole purpose of enabling the apprentice to perform the work to which the apprenticeship agreement relates. 


Glossary of Terms 

Small employers 

Employers with 50 or fewer employees are exempt from the 5% contribution for apprentices aged 16-18  


Off Job Training 

Off-the-job training is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of the normal day-to-day working environment and leads towards the achievement of an apprenticeship This can include training that is delivered at the apprentice’s normal place of work but must not be delivered as part of their normal working duties. 


·         The teaching of theory 

·         Practical training & practice 

·         Learning support 

·         Time spent writing assessments/assignments/self-study

·         PREVENT/safeguarding/equality, diversity and inclusion training

·         Health & safety training 

·         Attendance at workshops and seminars

·         Research 

·         Reading trade publications/CPD activity 

·         Researching progression 


Not included;

·         English & maths 

·         Progress reviews or on programme assessments 

·         Training outside the apprentices ‘normal’ working hours 

Apprenticeship levy

This applies to all organisations with a pay bill over £3m annually



Value Added Tax will be applied to all invoices raised at the prevailing rate 


Functional Skills 

English £471 (for each level)

Maths £471 (for each level)

ICT £0 (for each level)


Apprenticeship Frameworks

Frameworks have existed for many years and typically include a diploma specialising in the chosen profession or trade, functional skills in English & maths (and ICT where appropriate) and the application of learning and thinking skills 


Apprenticeship Standards 

Standards are new and have been developed in consolation between government and employers. Typically, they include English & maths, a period of professional development and at the end an assessment consisting of an examination, attendance at an interview panel and the submission of a portfolio of evidence 


Employer incentive 

There are cash incentives available for taking on an apprentice aged between 16&18 for qualifying employers. Your training advisor can provide further details. 


Apprenticeship bandings 

All apprenticeships have been set at a maximum funding band by government. A list of apprenticeship funding bands can be found here;  



Education and Skills Funding Agency. The government agency responsible for the funding of

apprenticeships and other adult learning programmes. The ESFA is part of the Department for Education 


Apprenticeship Service

For employers seeking to employ and apprentice  


End Point Assessment: Once an apprentice has completed their apprenticeship, they will be ‘signed off’ by their employer as ready for end-point assessment of their knowledge and practical capabilities. In most cases, the assessment will be graded and must show the apprentice is fully competent and productive in the occupation. This does not apply to apprenticeship frameworks 


Unique Learner Number The unique learner number is a unique 10-digit numerical number. The majority of people leaving school from 2009 have one. It is designed to help you when you register or enrol on a course. It helps you prove all your learning and achievements from secondary school onwards by allowing education institutions access to your personal learning record. The unique learner number is the education equivalent of your national insurance number. Your unique learner number may already be printed on your exam results slip or certificate from your awarding organisation. It is not to be confused with any Candidate, Exam, or Centre Number that your awarding organisation may have provided to you separately. If you have not received a unique learner number already, you can ask your RM Training representative to obtain one for you, without it we may not be able to secure funding for your qualification.

Individual Learning Plan: Your Individual Learning Plan will be drawn up by you and your trainer and will cover all aspects of your course, include any training you need as well as details of any projects, tests or exams you might need to complete. 

Equality and Safeguarding: RM Training promote equality in learning for all, our policies can be accessed via our website and we will make sure that you and your employer are aware of rights and responsibilities under several different pieces of government legislation. Part of your course will involve looking at how this type of legislation affects the sector in which you work.

Safeguarding & Prevent: RM Training recognises its duty to protect our learners from indoctrination into any form of extreme ideology which may lead to the harm of self or others.  This is particularly important because of the open access to electronic information through the internet. RM Training aims to safeguard young people through educating them on the appropriate use of social media and the dangers of downloading and sharing inappropriate material which is illegal under the Counter-Terrorism Act. The company will take firm action if any individual or group is perceived to be attempting to influence members of our staff or learner community, either physically or electronically. Our definition of radical or extreme ideology is ‘a set of ideas which could justify vilification or violence against individuals, groups or self.’  Staff are trained to be vigilant for spotting signs of extremist view and behaviours and to always report anything which may suggest a learner is expressing opinions which may cause concern.  Our core mission of diversity permeates all we do. We place a strong emphasis on the common values that all communities share such as self-respect, tolerance and the sanctity of life. We work hard to broaden our learners’ experience, to prepare them for life and work in contemporary Britain. We teach them to respect and value the diversity around them as well as understanding how to make safe, well-considered decisions.


Find an Apprenticeship Service: 

For individuals to search for an available apprenticeship  

Number of employees 

The number of employees is defined as the number of people with a contract of employment. This must be calculated using the average number of employees with a contract of employment in the 365 days before the apprentice is recruited. 

State Aid is any advantage granted by public authorities through state resources on a selective basis to any organisations that could potentially distort competition and trade in the European Union (EU).

De Minimus State Aid

The European Commission considers that public funding which complies with the de minimis regulation has a negligible impact on trade and competition, and does not require notification and approval. The total de minimis aid which can be given to a single recipient is €200,000 over a 3-year fiscal period. Unless stated otherwise this agreement falls under the definition of De Minimis State Aid  

Age at enrolment 

An individual can start an apprenticeship after the last Friday in June of the academic year in which they have their 16th Birthday 



Apprenticeship Funding bands 

Funding band 


Total funding including


Total funding including

English & Maths

Band 1




Band 2




Band 3




Band 4




Band 5




Band 6




Band 7




Band 8




Band 9




Band 10




Band 11




Band 12




Band 13




Band 14




Band 15 








Individualised Learner Record Guidance 




English /Welsh /Scottish /Northern Irish /British




Gypsy or Irish Traveller


Any other white background 

Mixed / multiple ethnic group


White and Black Caribbean 


White and Black African 


White and Asian 


Any other mixed / multiple ethnic background

Asian / Asian British










Any other Asian background

Black / African / Caribbean / Black British 






Any other Black / African / Caribbean background 

Other ethnic group 




Any other ethnic group


Not provided 

National Minimum Wage / National Living Wage

There are different levels of national minimum wage, depending on your age and whether you are an apprentice. The current rates (from April 2018) are:

£8.21 the main rate for workers aged 25 and over 

£7.70 workers aged 21 to 24

£6.15 workers aged 18 to 20

£4.35 worker under 18 * If you are of compulsory school age you are not entitled to the national minimum wage. Some of your other employment rights are also different. 

£3.90 apprentice rate



Prior attainment 


Qualification type 


Entry level certificates, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Skills for Life, Functional Skills at entry level (English, maths and ICT), Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at entry level, Foundation Learning at entry level


GCSEs grades (5 or more D-G or fewer than 5 A-C), BTEC Introductory Diplomas and

Certificates, OCR Nationals, Key Skills at level 1, Skills for Life, Functional Skills at level 1,

BTEC Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at level 1, Functional Skills at level 1, Foundation Learning Tier pathways, NVQs at level 1, QCF level 1


GCSEs grades (5 or more A*-C), Key Skills level 2, Skills for Life/Functional Skills at level 2,

BTEC Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at level 2, OCR Nationals, NVQs at level 2, QCF level 2


A levels (2 or more advanced passes), GCE in applied subjects, International Baccalaureate,

Key Skills level 3, BTEC Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas at level 3, BTEC Nationals, OCR Nationals, NVQs at level 3


Certificates of Higher Education, HNC’s, BTEC Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards, HNC’s and NVQ’s at level 4 


HNDs, Foundation Degrees, Other higher diplomas, HNDs, BTEC Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards




Not Known*



*Not to be used unless documented evidence shows reason for coding 




Learning difficulty or health code 




Visual impairment


Autism spectrum


Hearing impairment


Asperger syndrome


Disability affecting mobility 


Temporary disability


Profound complex disabilities 


Speech, language and communication needs


Social and emotional difficulties 


Temporary disability


Mental health difficulty


Other physical disability 


Moderate learning difficulty 


Other specific disability 


Severe learning difficulty 


Other medical condition




Other learning disability




Other disability 




Prefer not to say 

Primary disability 




Visual impairment 




Hearing impairment


Autism spectrum disorder


Disability affecting mobility 


Asperger’s syndrome


Profound complex disabilities  


Temporary disabilities 


Social and emotional difficulties 


Speech, language & communication needs 


Mental health difficulties 


Other physical disability 


Moderate learning difficulties 


Other specific disability


Severe hearing difficulties 


Other medical condition




Other learning disability 



Other disability 


Multiple learning disabilities 


Prefer not to say